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Writer's pictureLucas Wintercrane

Performing circus in my old primary school and three of the best thank you notes ever!

'Thank you for opening this amazing circus, I said I don't like circus but I've learnt my lesson'

Terence, Redlands Primary School

I've had a fantastic start to 2018 in terms of delivering circus skills to primary schools all over the country. It's been an active push for more bookings and has paid off nicely so I thought it was time to give something back. I penned an email to my primary school in Reading. Redlands Primary School. I knew that the headteacher was Ms Berguson who happened to be my last teacher at the school through Year 5 and Year 6. This is almost 18 years ago now.

I put my offer on the table and said that by way of an apology for being such a difficult cheeky little lad whilst at the school that I would come in to Redlands for free and do a circus show and circus skills workshops with all the children. It just so happened that Ms Berguson is retiring at the end of this academic year so it was set to be a beautiful full circle celebration of Redlands and a nice way to show the children what they might go on to do with a little bit of perseverance.

Circus Show for Primary School

Going back to the school for the first time since leaving was really magic for me. I saw lots of the same staff from when I was there and enjoyed reminiscing on what was a very happy primary school experience for me as a child and us as a family. My mum was so fond of Redlands that she travelled from Devon to *help me with the circus skills.

*Have a good old natter with the teachers.

The show went well, I performed outside in the beautiful sunshine and the children's faces lit up at every little trick, it was really really special for me. The local news even did a short piece on the visit which has a few nice pictures and can be read in full here.

I arrived home today to open some post with the most amazing thank you cards in. There were too many to share them all on here but I've picked out a few favourites and I laughed out loud and how fantastic some of the comments are. So brilliant to read.

A couple of quotes incase you can't read them....

'Also thank you for picking my best friend Lana she came back smiling and laughing, but I really wanted you to choose me but it's ok that you didn't'

'You are a wonderful man'

'Thank you for opening this amazing circus, I said I don't like circus but I've learned my lesson'

Huge congratulations on your retirement Ms Berguson and thank you to all at Redlands for having me back and raising me to become such a wonderful man.

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